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Thursday, July 22, 2010


In the day to day, hectic-hoptic, get it done world of today, it's easy to forget the simple.

We fill our lives with plans, schemes, and complications, both legitimate and illegitimate, and often allow the simple sighting of success to evade our grasp.

The other day, JeeP happened into my office. I was busy. I had just enough time to play for Penny a new song I had written some three weeks prior.

JeeP wanted to play guitar with Daddy.

Suddenly what had waited some three weeks would wait for another time as he climbed up in my lap and started playing guitar like a pro.

Soon the time available was gone, and research, counseling, or some such called me back to the tasks for which I'm called. Simplicity had played its part, and the orchestration was illuminated in the eyes of my boy and the heart of his Daddy.

No fireworks went off. No monuments were planned. No new song for today except in the simple three year old heart and mind I held and taught to play guitar. It was a good reminder of a good lesson.

Remember the simple.

Peace in Christ,

Pastor John

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Son for the reminder of the simple. Today it's a simple chest cold that has got me down, but I will glean good out of this. Sometimes God has to literally put us down to lift us up and for Him, that's pretty simple to do. Love ya. Keep tellin' them Jesus saves..That's the simplest message of all...


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and comments with me! I look forward to hearing how God is moving and shaping your life even as He is mine!