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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Six Years, a Thousand Hearts, & a Morning

Six years ago today, the daughter who knew my voice from the womb came out into the world and I held her.

I hope that I shall never forget the sequence that followed. As I took her into my arms, and began to move toward Penny's arms with her, I spoke her name, "Jordan Paige," and in the instance of hearing my voice she opened her eyes and connected with mine. Now doctors will say that infants cannot see when they are newborn, but Jordan did. When she heard my voice, it was as if mental recognition instantaneously sparked visual acuity, and we looked into one another's eyes and knew each other as if we had ridden the trails of life together for a while already.

Her beautiful brown eyes have been melting my heart ever since. I rebuild my heart from a melted pile of mush as often as I change shirts, it seems... and I love every moment of it with her.

She is all I could have hoped for in a daughter: loving, loyal, true, and beautiful! She wields my heart as a fine swordsman would wield the blade, and makes my heart burst with joy to be her provider, protector, Daddy, and friend.

I'm not sure what version of my heart I'm on these days. We're way beyond 2.0, or 3.0... somewhere around a thousand hearts melted and rebuilt with joy, and we'd be getting close to the right count, I think.

Happy Birthday, Jordan! Du bist meine wunderschone kleine liebe und ich bin sehr stolz von dir... SEHR STOLZ!!!




  1. What a legacy you're building for her with words like this! I know she will truly treasure these some day! You're the best Daddy a little girl could ever have! I'm so thrilled that we get to share this wonderful weekend together with her (and JP too of course - LOL!)

  2. Dude. From one Daddy to another your brought me to tears. Love you, Bro. Keep loving deeply.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and comments with me! I look forward to hearing how God is moving and shaping your life even as He is mine!