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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Mindset of a Tuesday...

Ahhhh, Tuesday!

I love Tuesdays! Every Tuesday, I have the exquisite opportunity to sequester myself for studying the text, history, and application for my next sermon... and my brain says, "ahhhhhhh!"

What is it about focused attention that allows us to find rest? The weekly date with my wife gives rest to my marriage. Meeting weekly to worship the Lord with His church gives rest to both the soul and the congregation. Reading daily in the Word of God gives focus and refreshment. And for me, taking the greater part of a work day, once a week to study, gives rest to my mind.

It's the day when I break out my Hebrew flash cards and give myself a refresher course. It's the day when I catch up on so much reading left undone on other days. It's the day when the meditations of other days come to cooperate in etherial fusion and find balance, clarity, and direction.

My wife knows to try to keep things from coming up on Tuesdays... my staff knows to try not to schedule appointments for me on Tuesdays... my mind knows that it's going to be AWESOME and I find myself getting giddy about a day of focus.

I don't know but that you're probably thinking, "what a freak!" Or maybe you've found the beauty of solace also.

Solace, I've found, is as wine to the soul; and solace shared with the Almighty, as enjoying the finest wine in the serenity of the most exquisite of fellowships. Once uncorked, it is lovely to the palate; and once finished, it is sad and beautiful and full of promise all at once.

The old ones used to say to one another, "Pax Christi ad Vobis..." "peace of Christ to you". In your day of speed bumps, instant messaging, and general quickness, I pray you'll find solace and engage the God who made you, indeed the Christ Who would save you.

Pax Christi ad Vobis! This is my prayer for the both of us today.


1 comment:

  1. Nice! Is that your globe in the picture? Great reminder about finding rest and peace in working hard towards a goal!

    Enjoy the rest of your day!


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