March 16, 2010
Question: Is Simeon Giving a Blessing or a Prophecy in Luke 2?
Great Question! Often times, the idea of a Biblical blessing is actually couched within the form of a prophecy. This is to say that the blessing of realizing God's plan for the anointed life is recognized, embraced, and celebrated.
Notice within the celebration of Simeon, that we find both great and daunting prophecy. First, we find that Jesus is appointed both for the rise and the fall of many. Second, that He is to be a sign which will be opposed. Thirdly, that a sword will pierce the soul of Mary His Mother; and finally, that through Jesus the thoughts of many hearts, evidently referring to secret thoughts, will be revealed. Now I don't know about you, but that sounds like a mixed bag of positives and negatives.
The blessing of following God is to be embraced and celebrated notwithstanding the struggles of that life. In our modern culture, we often yearn for the easy life, but this is rarely the path of God. A life of obedient service, the honor to serve, is the blessing.
What an amazing God we serve Who modeled this for us personally!
Pastor John
I love the way you answered this! It's truly an honor to serve the Lord with you every day!