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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Could it be that in our zeal to appease and not offend a lost world in need of Jesus, that we have forgotten to adore the God who saved us; and that adoration often looks ridiculous even as it plants the seed of desire.

A couple looks lovingly into each others eyes for a little too long at a party, and someone shouts, "Get a Room!" Children run into the living room at Christmas time and we forget that the world is troubled if even just for a moment. My wife catches my eye, and peace in beautiful pools of brown eyed love grabs my soul and whispers that life is good.

Is love for God who made us in His image so different?

Are we not made in the image of the Almighty?

Have we gone so far in asking what a world without Jesus wants to hear, that we have forgotten to live in love with, and obedience to, God who loves and saves us? Could it be that a world in need of the grace of Christ might rally to it even as it shouts collectively, "Get a Room!"?

Perhaps we have forgotten what high price was paid for our lives. Perhaps a Christian in awe of His God might spread the Gospel of Christ more quickly than ever, if there was more concern for the smile of God than the embrace of this world.

Its just a thought...
